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Philatelistische Miscellen – Mit der Crawford-Medaille ausgezeichnete Bücher auf dieser Website

      Im Laufe der Jahre habe ich etliche Bücher erworben, die mit der Crawford Medal ausgezeichnet wurden – sie sind häufig klassische Standardwerke zu den jeweiligen Gebieten und als solche ein Muss für Literatur- und Klassik-Sammler.
      Auf dieser Website erwähnte (E) oder abgebildete (A) Buchtitel erscheinen in Fettdruck. Die Links führen jeweils auf die entsprechende Seite.


Jahr Autor(en) Titel Website
1920 Hugo Griebert The Stamps of Spain 1850–1854 – A –
1921Sir Edward D. Bacon KCVOThe Line Engraved Postage Stamps of Great Britain
1922Charles Nissen und Bertram McGowanThe Plating of the Penny Black Postage Stamp of Great Britain, 1840 – A –
1923Charles Lathrop PackVictoria: The half-Length Porträts and the Twopence Queen Enthroned
1924Lieut. Colonel G.S.F. NapierThe Stamps of the First Issue of Brazil – A –
1925Justus Anderssen und H. DethloffNorges Frimerker 1855–1924 – A –
1926nicht verliehen
1927F.J. PeplowThe Postage Stamps of Buenos Aires – A –
1928C.F. Dendy MarshallThe British Post Office from its Beginning to the End of 1925
1929A.M. Tracey WoodwardThe Postage Stamps of Japan and Dependencies
1930Dr. Carroll ChaseThe 3c Stamp of the United States 1851–57 Issue
1931Gilbert J. AllisCape of Good Hope: Its Postal History and Postage Stamps – A –
1932D.R. Martin und E.A. SmythiesThe Four Annas Lithographed Stamps of India, 1854–55
1933E.J. LeeThe Postage Stamps of Uruguay – A –
1934Dr. Emilio DienaI Francobolli del Regno di Napoli – A –
1935Carl SchmidtDie Postwertzeichen der Russischen Landschaftsämter– E –
1936Dr. Herbert MunkKohl Briefmarken-Handbuch – A –
1937Stanley B. AshbrookThe United States Ten Cent Stamp of 1851–57
1938Max G. JohlUnited States Stamps of the 20th Century, Vol IV
1939Dr. H. OsborneGreat Britain, Twopence Plate Nine. A Study of the Plate and its Repairs
1940J.H. Curle und A.E. BasdenTransvaal Postage Stamps
1941nicht verliehen
1942nicht verliehen
1943nicht verliehen
1944A.A. JurgensThe Handstruck Letter Stamps of the Cape of Good Hope from 1792 to 1853 and the Postmarks from 1853 to 1910 – A –
1945Prescott H. ThorpThe Stamped Envelopes and Wrappers of the United States and Possessions
1946nicht verliehen
1947Winthrop S. BoggsThe Postage Stamps and Postal history of Canada
1948A. Tort NicolauGuia del Coleccionista de Sellos de Correos de España 1855–1869 – A –
1949Dr. F.E. WoodStraits Settlements Postage Stamps
1950L.E. DawsonThe One Anna and Two Annas Postage Stamps of India 1854–55
1951D. Alan StevensonThe Triangular Stamps of Cape of Good Hope – A –
1952J. Schmidt-AndersenThe Postage Stamps of Denmark 1851–1951 – A –
1953Sir John Wilson Bart CVOThe Royal Philatelic Collection
1954J.R.W. PurvesThe Half Lengths of Victoria
1955nicht verliehen
1956The Royal Philatelic Society of New ZealandThe Postage Stamps of New Zealand Vol III
1957nicht verliehen
1958John EastonThe De La Rue History of British and Foreign Postage Stamps 1855–1901
1959R. Forrester-WoodThe Stamps and Postal History of Sarawak
1960S.D. Tchlinghirian und W.S.E. StephenStamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad (Published in Six Parts)
1961Dr. Mohammed DadkhahThe Lion Stamps of Persia – A –
1962Nicholas ArgentiThe Postage Stamps of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia – A –
1963Dr. W.R.D. WigginsThe Postage Stamps of Great Britain Part II
1964Dr. Joseph SchatzkésThe Cancellations of Mexico 1856–74
1965Joaquín Galvez NaranjoLos Primeros Sellos de Chile 1853 a 1867 – A –
1966Dr. S. IchidaThe Cherry Blossom Issues of Japan 1872–1876 – A –
1967The Federation of Hungarian Philatelic SocietiesA Magyar Belyagek Monografiaja Vols I, II and V
1968nicht verliehen
1969International Society of Guatemala CollectorsGuatemala Volume I Postal History and Stamps to Mid 1902
1970nicht verliehen
1971nicht verliehen
1972George E HargestHistory of Letter Post Communication between the United States and Europe, 1845–1875
1973Raymond SallesEncyclopédie de la poste maritime française: historique et catalogue (Vols I–VIII)
1974Robson LoweEncyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps (Volume V)
1975G.C. van Balen Blanken und Bert BuurmanThe Netherlands – Plating of the 1852 5 cent and 10 cent Values – A –
1976Archibald G.M. BattenThe Orange Free State – its Postal Offices and their Markings 1868–1910
1977nicht verliehen
1978A. Ronald ButlerThe Departmental Stamps of South Australia
1979Örjan LüningLuftpostens Historia Norden (The History of Airmail in Scandinavia)
1980Harold W. FisherThe Plating of the Penny (Volumes I–IV)
1981Marcus Samuel und Dr. Alan K. HugginsSpecimen Stamps and Stationery of Great Britain
1982Sigurd Ringström und Henry E. TesterThe Private Ship Letter Stamps of the World (Parts I and II)
1983Dr. Anton JergerHandbooks on Austrian Lombardy-Venetia
1984Armando Mario O. VieiraSelos Clássicos de Relevo de Portugal – A –
1985Paolo VollmeierStoria Postale del Regno di Sardegna dalle Origini all’Introduzione del Francobollo – A –
1986Prof. Carlrichard BrühlGeschichte der Philatelie (Volumes I and II) – A –
1987nicht verliehen
1988Gary S. RyanThe Cancellations of Hungarian Post Offices on the First Issue of Hungary 1867–1871
1989Adolph Koeppel und Raymond D. MannersThe Court Fee and Revenue Stamps of the Princely States of India (Volumes I and II)
1990Dott. Niño AquilaI Francobolli Degli Ultimi Re
1991Peter M. IbbotsonThe Postal History and Stamps of Mauritius
1992J. Michael und P. Jane MoubrayBritish Letter Mail to Overseas Destinations 1840–1875
1993Jack F. Ince und S. John SacherThe Postal Services of the British Nigeria Region
1994James van der LindenCatalogue des Marques de Passage – A –
1995H.E. Walker und J.H. ColesPostal Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire (Parts 1–4)
1996Paolo Vollmeier und Vittorio ManciniStoria Postale del Regno di Napoli dalle Origini all’Introduzione del Francobollo – A –
1997nicht verliehen
1998Peter E. FernbankKing George V Key Plates of the Imperium Postage and Revenue Design
1999Hugh V. FeldmanLetter Receivers of London 1652–1857 – A –
2000Prof. Peter A.S. SmithEgypt – Stamps and Postal History – A Philatelic Treatise
2001Gavin Fryer und Clive AkermanThe Reform of the Post Office in the Victorian Era and Its Impact on Economic and Social Activity – A –
2002Dr. Ulrich FerchenbauerÖsterreich 1850–1918 – A –
2003Fritz HeimbüchlerRumänien/Romania: Fürstentum Walachei 1820–1862, Vereinigte Fürstentümer 1862–1872 – E –
2004Claude DelbekeNederlandse Scheepspost, II, Nederland en det Westen 1600–1900
2005Robert P. OdenwellerThe Stamps and Postal History of Nineteenth Century Samoa
2006Bryan KearsleyDiscovering Seahorses – King George V High Values – A –
2007nicht verliehen
2008David A. StotterThe British Post Office Service in Morocco 1907–57
2009Eric YendallKing George VI Large Key Type Revenue and Postage High Value Stamps 1927–1953
2010Michèle ChauvetIntroduction à l’histoire postale (de France)
2011Robert P. OdenwellerThe Postage Stamps of New Zealand 1855–1873: The Chalon Head Issues
2012David TettA Postal History of the Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees in East Asia During the Second World War: Volumes 1 to 5
2013Kees AdemaNetherlands Mail in Times of Turmoil: Volumes 1, 2 and 3
2014Peter van der MolenSwaziland Philately to 1968
2015Kenneth ScudderQueensland Postage Stamps 1879–1912
2016Steven C. Walske and Richard FrajolaMails of the Westward Expansion, 1803–1861
2017James BendonUPU Specimen Stamps 1878–1961
2018Hugh FeldmanUnited States Railroad Mail Routes and Contracts 1832–1875
2019Alan G. DrucePerkins Bacon Great Britain Line-Engraved Postage Stamp Printing 1840–1846
2020James P. GoughThe Postal History of the Universal Postal Union. The Postal Card (Worldwide) 1869–1974
2021James Grimwood-TaylorInternational Postal Reforms: Volume 1, Postal Reforms and the Historical Background to the Postage Stamp 1550 to 1839; Volume 2, The Birth of the Postage Stamp and its International Effects 1840 to 1898
2022Guillermo F. Gallegos and Joseph D. Hahn19th Century Issues of El Salvador (1867–1900)
2023Lars EngelbrechtPostal Stationery of Denmark. The Bi-coloured Issue 1871–1905

Crawford Medal Winners. Liste der ausgezeichneten Autoren und der jeweiligen Werke
seit der ersten Verleihung 1920 auf der Website der Royal Philatelic Society London.
Cavendish Philatelic Auctions, Ltd

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